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New Resource: Black Voices in Education Cards

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As our country grapples with racial injustice, our team at Horizons was eager to lift up Black voices and honor the impact that Black educators have had on America’s young people. Today, we celebrate their stories with our Black Voices in Education Card Series, a downloadable digital resource highlighting Black educators. Click here to download the resource!

This summer, Horizons National began the Black Voices in Education Series as a celebration of Juneteenth -- a day commemorating the end of the institution of slavery in the United States. The Series intended to honor the stories of Black educators in history who worked to advance racial and educational equity in America. After popular response from our Network, we decided to extend the series through Summer 2020 and celebrate a different educator each Friday. Now, we are hoping to share their incredible stories with students, families, and educators everywhere, to recognize the powerful figures in history who have helped shape racial and educational equity in our country.

The playing-card format includes a picture, short biography, and fast facts about each figure, to make celebrating their stories accessible and fun. We hope this card series will inspire students, families, and educators to learn more about how history was changed by these influential Black voices, and recognize the important, ongoing fight for racial and educational equity in America.

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