Logo for: Horizons National

Developing alove of learning

At Horizons, students develop a love of learning that ignites all kinds of new possibilities. By cultivating curiosity, the skills for success, and the inspiration to realize their dreams, Horizons helps empower students to achieve.

Network Results

  • Horizons students gain an average of 6-10 weeks of grade equivalence in reading and math skills over each 6-week summer session
  • Horizons programs become anchors in the community, retaining 84% of students and families and over 80% of teachers each year
  • New skills learned at Horizons translate into school-year confidence, positive attitudes about learning, and student success
  • 97% of Horizons high school students graduate on-time, and many graduates return to the program as teachers or volunteers

Horizons at a Glance

  • 88% Daily attendance rate of Horizons students during the 6-week summer session.

  • 7,100+ Students served in 2023 - and growing every year.

  • 91% of Horizons graduates go on to attend college or some form of post-secondary education.

  • 71 Program sites in 20 states, and expanding to reach more students.


Your donation to Horizons National helps us grow our Network of programs to reach even more students and families.

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