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Most recently, with the ongoing support of our Horizons community, we have:

  • Updated Horizons National’s Mission and Vision Statements using asset-based language 
  • Shared Horizons National’s new Theory of Change: Horizons National’s long-term goal for the work of our field, and the steps that need to be taken to accomplish this goal

  • Confirmed our commitment to equity in all that we do through Horizons’ Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Framework: a foundational lens to approach and evaluate all of our present and future work

  • Ensured that all of our external and internal communications were asset-based by developing the Horizons’ Strength-Based Messaging Guide: a communications guide to help our Network be grounded in more inclusive, equitable language

  • Developed a Horizons National Board Equity Plan: a living document that covers everything from board recruitment practices & retaining diverse membership, to EDIB trainings and CEO evaluation

  • Adopted changes to the Horizons Affiliate Policies, the basic required tenets of all Horizons programs, that were recommended by the Horizons Affiliate Task Force for Equity and Access to the full Network Task Force

  • Established, and continue to facilitate and support task forces and working groups of Horizons affiliate leadership and staff to address affiliate EDIB work:

    • Network Task Force for Equity and Access: platform for affiliate leadership to discuss, examine, and reimagine the Horizons Network through an equity lens

      • Subgroup Affiliate Task Force for Equity and Access: reviews and provides input to ensure Horizons Network policies and practices are grounded in EDIB

    • Culturally Responsive Working Group: helps to identify culturally appropriate/relevant resources and professional development for Horizons teachers and staff
    • Strength-Based Messaging Working Group: provides input into resources and trainings, identify challenges, review materials related to strength-based messaging
    • Horizons National Staff EDIB Working Group: identifies professional development and formal/informal EDIB training opportunities for HN staff
  • Made a strong culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion one of the four pillars of our 2023-2025 Strategic Plan, including:
    • Developing Horizons Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Guidelines in partnership with affiliates to support their EDIB goals
    • Creating systems for ongoing stakeholder communication and input on decisions that will affect them
    • Ensuring EDIB goals are embedded in all Horizons National staff and Board plans