2023-25 Strategic Plan
Horizons National's 2023-25 Strategic Plan prioritizes ensuring program quality, expanding Horizons to reach more students, and building a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion into everything we do at Horizons National and at our programs.
Over the next few years, we will grow our Network from 75 to 100 Horizons sites, building the capacity to expand educational equity in partnership with over 12,000 students across the country.
To build on the success of expanding Horizons in 2022, our new Strategic Plan has 4 pillars, focused on growing & sustaining Horizons programs to reach more students and ensuring equity, diversity, and inclusion across our Network:
- Pillar 1: Accelerated Network expansion
- Central to our mission of creating more experiences that inspire the joy of learning is the expansion of the Horizons Network to serve more students. Over the next 3 years, we will accelerate our rate of growth using strategies we already know work and explore other strategies for growth through strategic partnership and new models.
- Pillar 2: A high-impact customer service system for the Network
- We will develop a stronger and more efficient customer service model for Horizons sites and prioritize the services we provide to focus on the areas where we can have the most impact. We will work closely with our affiliates to align our internal systems and services with the Network’s highest priority needs, and employ technology as appropriate to deliver them effectively.
- Pillar 3: A culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI)
- Our ongoing work to advance equity will be embedded into every aspect of this Strategic Plan and we will continue to make progress on our staff and board equity plans. We will create vehicles for our stakeholders to be seen and heard, particularly as it pertains to the decisions that impact them, and we will co-create EDI guidelines for affiliates.
- Pillar 4: Increased and diversified revenue
- Horizons National’s financial health is essential for the success of this Strategic Plan and our mission to build long-term partnerships that create more out-of-school time learning opportunities for students. We see opportunities to partner with affiliates in fundraising, specifically related to our Campaign for Growth and regional expansion initiatives. We will work closely with our affiliates to explore a cost- sharing model for some centralized services.
Click below to read our full Strategic Plan and learn more about our 4 guiding pillars for 2023-25: